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Faridabad Small Industries Associations (FSIA) was established in 1977 to look after the needs of Small Scale Industries in Faridabad - Ballabhgarh Industrial Complex. It is the largest Association of Small Scale Industries in Haryana with a membership of about 1000 units. These SSI units produce wide range of products viz. auto parts, sheet metal and fabrication, casting, forgings, air-conditioning equipment, electrical, electronics, textiles, ceramics, plastic / rubber components, household gadgets, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, paints etc. The Association publishes biennially a directory of its members, which besides listing the particulars of each member has a section giving product-wise names of units.


The Association maintains a very cordial relationship with officials of State and of District level and holds periodic meeting with them to project its views and to resolve problems of SSI units. Its positive approach and cooperation to the administration in social, cultural, sports, and environment related programs, organising and conducting of annual Trade Fairs at Faridabad are highly appreciated. For the development of SSI units the Association organises programes / seminars on diverse subjects. It particularly maintains a close liaison with establishment like Small Industries Service Institute, National Small Industries Corporation, SIDBI, Ministry of Small Industries and Rural and Agro Ministry etc., which help in promotion of small units. It keeps its members informed of the latest policies and procedures through its regular circulars.


The Association's main objective is to provide multifarious services to its members. Besides providing a platform to small-scale units to convey their views / problems on various matters affecting them to the State / Central Government, the Association also takes up individual problems of its member units with the concerned departments. The Association endeavors to create awareness among its members about latest technological development, marketing strategies, quality improvement etc. It keeps its members informed of the latest economic policies of the government, taxation, and banking etc. through its circulars published at regular intervals. To provide detailed information such as address, phone, e-mail, and products to business & commercial establishment the Association publishes a directory of its members.


FSIA, in its endeavor to upgrade the knowledge of its members organises workshops, seminars and special programs from time to time on diverse subjects of interest to small industries. It has been instrumental in creating total quality consciousness among its members as a result of which many of the members have acquired ISO 9000 certification.


It takes active part in social activities, sports, training programs for unemployed youth, relief work at times of natural calamities and for social cause like improvement in hospitals, schools, District Red Cross Society and other institutions. FSIA is equally active in organising FARindex, Industrial Trade Fair, Surajkund Trade Fest, the largest of its kind in northern India after IITF, Besides encouraging its members to participate, it organises cultural programs, seminars during the fair. The Association is trying to involve more and more industries and has the privilege of having members who have grown to medium size industries with time and provide guidance towards many a constructive work. With Mr. K. C. Lakhani as its patron and dedicated & experienced successive presidents and a dynamic General Secretary, Mr. Rajiv Chawla for the last nine years, a record by itself, the FSIA is an asset to the small industries in Haryana.




Faridabad Small Industries Association

FSIA Park, Opposite Plot No. 23, Sector 24

Faridabad - 121 005

Phone - 91 129 223 4950

Fax - 91 129 241 4468


E mail - [email protected], [email protected]

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